Professionals in upholstery cleaning have a few tips in store for the typical resident interested in tackling his own upholstery cleaning tasks. For example, after you decide to clean your own furniture, remember not to get its fabric too wet. More water is not necessarily a good thing, though it may seem as if a lot of water is necessary to tackle a stain. Moisture is actually not good for the furniture's fabric.
Another upholstery cleaning tip is to presoak any known stains with a fabric cleaner - a mild fabric cleaner. Do this before any water is ever applied to the upholstery. When you get to the end of the upholstery cleaning process, extract as much water as possible from the fabric with a dry towel and get the furniture as dry as you possibly can. It's also recommended by professionals of upholstery cleaning to avoid contact with the liquid and any metal parts of your furniture. This could cause rusting. Another factor that need be considered is the fabric your furniture is made out of.
Upholstery that consists of synthetic fibers, such as polyester, is pretty hardy and easy to clean without having to worry about damage to the fabric. But if your furniture consists of fabric with a content of fifty percent or more of cotton (especially Haitian cotton), professionals of upholstery cleaning recommend hiring a professional to come in and take care of any upholstery cleaning work, as cottons need particular chemicals for cleaning, and are easily ruined. Should time be of essence, make sure to hire a cleaner that is in your area. You would not want to waste your time negotiating with a cleaner in Honolulu when you are in Charlotte.
Professionals of upholstery cleaning also suggest not using vinegar (or any other acidic liquids), because it can damage and wear away the upholstery fibers. It's a good idea to test any solvent you do plan on using on an area of the furniture piece that isn't normally seen - like the back of a sofa or chair. This way you can test for any discoloration the solvent might cause.
Interestingly, these same professionals of upholstery cleaning recommend seeing what baby wipes can do with your upholstery. The wipes are a great source for a convenient, non-abrasive cleaner. Since babies and stains can come hand-in-hand (and babies also come hand-in-hand with baby wipes), wipes can be an extra good source for cleaning your upholstery.
Spray upholstery cleaner can be obtained at any store where household items are sold, and it's recommended by professionals of upholstery cleaning. Spray upholstery cleaners can get rid of pet smells as well as dirt and sand. Even when using store-bought sprays, it's a good idea to test a section on the back of your furniture in case of any damages or discolorations occurring. Spray upholster cleaners are inexpensive and easy to use.
Whatever the type of upholstery cleaning you plans to use, remember to first check and see that the type of cleaning is compatible with the furniture's fabric. Some fabrics cannot be steam-cleaned because they will shrink, and so it is easy to damage your furniture if you don't check into these things first.
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